3005 非医用营养胶囊------non-medicial nutrition capsule
3005 秋梨膏------autumn pear grease
3005 燕窝梨膏------bird‘s nest pear syrup
3005 桂元膏------longan lotion
3005 荔枝膏------board lotion of litch
3005 枇杷膏
3005 螺旋藻(非医用营养品)------helix alga C300035 非医用营养液 non-medicial nutrition liquid C300036 非医用营养
3005 非医用营养液------non-medicial nutrition liquid
3005 非医用营养粉------non-medicial nutrition powder
3005 虫草鸡精------chichen extract of worm grass
3005 非医用营养膏------non-medicial nutrition grease
3005 食用蜂胶(蜂胶)------Bee glue [propolis] for human consumption
3005 苓贝梨膏------tuchahoe pear paste
3005 冰糖燕窝------sugar candy bird‘s nest
3005 蜂蜜------honey
3005 食品用糖蜜------moalsses for food
3005 食用蜂胶(蜜蜂胶)------Propolis [bee glue] for human consumption
3005 非医用蜂王浆------Jelly (Royal –) for human consumption [not for medical purposes]
3005 食用王浆(非医用)------Royal jelly for human consumption [not for medical purposes]
3005 花粉健身膏------pollen healthy grease
3005 龟苓膏------tortoise tuchahoe paste
3005 乳鸽精------breed columbine extract
3005 黄色糖浆------golden syrup